"The historical society of Oak Park and River Forest has engaged the History Singers of Forest Park for several programs and has been very pleased with their presentations. Most recently we engaged them in October 2010 for a program called "Mark Twain's Music Box." Their thorough and careful research of the era resulted in an entertaining, enjoyable, and educational program of period music interspersed with relevant quotes from Mark Twain, a concert that was thoroughly enjoyed by our audience...
The Historical Society believes that history can be relevant and educational without being boring and dry. The History Singers share that point of view with their entertaining and informative musical shows."
--Peggy Sinko, Vice President for programs, the Historical Society for Oak Park and River Forest.
The Historical Society believes that history can be relevant and educational without being boring and dry. The History Singers share that point of view with their entertaining and informative musical shows."
--Peggy Sinko, Vice President for programs, the Historical Society for Oak Park and River Forest.

"Thursday,June 1, was C & S commemoration of the 50th anniversary of Sgt.Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band release.. .and a great time was had by all in our full house! John Atwood did an in depth and humorous presentation on Sgt.Pepper's 50th Anniversary, for every song of both music and lyrics, to a rapt audience, including Val Camiletti [of Val's halla Records and formerly of Capital Records]. We ran out of time for more than a couple q/a, but members stayed to compare insights & share pleasure, while enjoying light refreshments. They showed their appreciation, in a very gratifying way, when we 'passed the hat.'"
--Augie Alesky, owner, Centuries & Sleuths bookstore, Forest Park, IL
--Augie Alesky, owner, Centuries & Sleuths bookstore, Forest Park, IL